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Legalize Bem emerged exactly on May 22, 2020, with an initial proposal to provide tips for accountants and students about the scope of Legalization of Companies. However, when opportunities arise, it is necessary to seize them, and that is how Legalize Bem became an enterprise, with Legalization Outsourcing, Course for Beginners, Monitoring of Certificates and Consulting in Legalization Processes. It is with great satisfaction that we carry out this work and this translates into positive experiences for our customers and students.
Quem somos
Meet the person in charge
Larysse Barbosa
Camila Barbosa
Bacharela em Direito pelo Centro Universitário CESMAC, especializando-se em Direito Público, faz parte da equipe da Legalize Bem como Assistente de Legalização de Empresas.
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